run into značenje | engleski leksikon

run into značenje | engleski leksikon

run into

IPA: / ˈrən ˌɪnˈtuː /

1. To be beset by; SYN. encounter.
2. To collide violently with an obstacle; SYN. bump into, jar against, butt against, knock against.
When you are driving and hit another vehicl
e or something near the road, such as a tree or a telephone pole, you run into it.
When you meet people unexpectedly or unintentionally, you run into them. Bump into is the same as run into.
When you unexpectedly encounter difficulties or problems, you run into them.
When the total of something grows to a large amount or number, it runs into that amount or number

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bump into · butt against · collide with · come across · encounter · hit · impinge on · jar against · knock against · meet · run across · see · strike + prikaži više
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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
ženski rod, hemija
imenica, gramatika
muški rod, hemija